Cover image of Chit-Chat Chill 唞下啦! | 美國廣東話節目

Chit-Chat Chill 唞下啦! | 美國廣東話節目

生活忙碌!你可以唞一唞、Chill一Chill, 開開心心聽下四位美國廣東話/粵語主持人丁丁、Carmen、大力、啊Lam輕輕鬆鬆咁講講美國及世界嘅流行趨勢、移民經歷、生活日常及點滴。| Listen to our podcast to chill and ease your busy life. Four Cantonese-American hosts, Ding Ding, Carmen, ... Read more

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Ranked #1

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休息兩星期!Closed For Two Weeks!

休息兩星期!Closed For Two Weeks!

Chit-Chat Chill 唞下啦! | 美國廣東話 Podcast 節目休息兩星期!Closed For Two Weeks!由於最近疫情比較嚴重,身邊亦都好多人開始染疫。為咗保障身邊人嘅安全,我哋決定再休息兩星期!我哋將會喺7月27... Read more

13 Jul 2022

Ranked #2

Podcast cover

EP83: 細菌當補品? Bacteria as Supplements?

EP83: 細菌當補品? Bacteria as Supplements?

Chit-Chat Chill 唞下啦! | 美國廣東話 Podcast 節目EP83: 細菌當補品? Bacteria as Supplements?EP83: 俗語有云:「大菌食細菌,細菌當補品」。 當然呢句冇乜科學根據,但係其實乜嘢先... Read more

6 Jul 2022


Ranked #3

Podcast cover

EP82: 墮胎法案與槍械管制 Abortion Overturned & Gun Control

EP82: 墮胎法案與槍械管制 Abortion Overturned & Gun Control

Chit-Chat Chill 唞下啦! | 美國廣東話 Podcast 節目 EP82: 墮胎法案與槍械管制 Abortion Overturned & Gun Control EP82: 最近美國有幾個極具爭議性嘅法案、提案及社... Read more

29 Jun 2022


Ranked #4

Podcast cover

EP81: 微信上嘅灣區渣男?Bay Area Scumbag on WeChat

EP81: 微信上嘅灣區渣男?Bay Area Scumbag on WeChat

Chit-Chat Chill 唞下啦! | 美國廣東話 Podcast 節目 EP81: 微信上嘅灣區渣男?Bay Area Scumbag on WeChat EP81: 今日茶餘飯後閒聊近來喺微信上講嘅灣區渣男。 我哋撇開成... Read more

8 Jun 2022


Most Popular Podcasts

Ranked #5

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EP80: Lam 哥生日快樂 Happy Birthday, Lam!

EP80: Lam 哥生日快樂 Happy Birthday, Lam!

Chit-Chat Chill 唞下啦! | 美國廣東話 Podcast 節目EP80: Lam 哥生日快樂 Happy Birthday, Lam! EP80: Lam 哥、生日快樂! 由於我哋嘅主持 Lam 哥生日,所以今集就將呢一集生... Read more

1 Jun 2022


Ranked #6

Podcast cover

EP79: 婚禮的祝福 A Wedding Blessings

EP79: 婚禮的祝福 A Wedding Blessings

Chit-Chat Chill 唞下啦! | 美國廣東話 Podcast 節目EP79: 婚禮的祝福 Wedding Blessings EP79: 近呢幾個月可能疫情慢慢消退,身邊開始好多人結婚辦婚禮。 咁今集我哋閑聊一下婚禮呢樣嘢!| ... Read more

25 May 2022


Ranked #7

Podcast cover

EP78: 誰是家暴受害者? Who is a victim of domestic violence?

EP78: 誰是家暴受害者? Who is a victim of domestic violence?

Chit-Chat Chill 唞下啦! | 美國廣東話 Podcast 節目EP78: 誰是家暴受害者? Who is a victim of domestic violence? EP78: 最近好多人好似睇連續劇咁樣睇住Johnny ... Read more

18 May 2022


Ranked #8

Podcast cover

EP77: KOL 同 YouTubers 容易賺錢?Easy Money for Influencers?

EP77: KOL 同 YouTubers 容易賺錢?Easy Money for Influencers?

Chit-Chat Chill 唞下啦! | 美國廣東話 Podcast 節目EP77: KOL 同 YouTubers 容易賺錢?Easy Money for influencers? EP77: 平時搵娛樂或者搵資料,我哋都可能會上... Read more

11 May 2022


Ranked #9

Podcast cover

EP76: 我哋呢班打工仔 We are the Laborers

EP76: 我哋呢班打工仔 We are the Laborers

Chit-Chat Chill 唞下啦! | 美國廣東話 Podcast 節目EP76: 我哋呢班打工仔 We are the laborers EP76: 無名三把火,有人好嬲咁投訴同事返工及處理事情嘅態度。 我哋就同大家傾吓一啲打工仔心... Read more

4 May 2022


Ranked #10

Podcast cover

EP75: 美國嘅香港流行曲及演唱會 Hong Kong Music & Concert in the US

EP75: 美國嘅香港流行曲及演唱會 Hong Kong Music & Concert in the US

Chit-Chat Chill 唞下啦! | 美國廣東話 Podcast 節目EP75: 美國嘅香港流行曲及演唱會 Hong Kong Music & Concert in the US EP75: 大力Derrick 最近聽到一首... Read more

27 Apr 2022


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