Ranked #1

Chapter 4: The Prophet Joseph Smith, God's Instrument in Restoring the Truth
Chapter 4: The Prophet Joseph Smith, God's Instrument in Restoring the Truth
Through the Prophet Joseph Smith, God restored the gospel of Jesus Christ in its purity.
18 Nov 2011
Ranked #2

Chapter 8: Temple Blessings for Ourselves and Our Ancestors
Chapter 8: Temple Blessings for Ourselves and Our Ancestors
The purpose of temples is to provide a place where holy ordinances are performed for the living and for the dead.
18 Nov 2011
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Ranked #3

Chapter 3: Our Testimony of Jesus Christ
Chapter 3: Our Testimony of Jesus Christ
The restored gospel gives Latter‐day Saints additional witnesses that Jesus Christ is the Son of God.
18 Nov 2011
Ranked #4

Chapter 7: The Immortality of the Soul
Chapter 7: The Immortality of the Soul
Our life is eternal, and this knowledge helps us make correct choices and comforts us in times of mourning.
18 Nov 2011
Ranked #5

Chapter 9: Open Your Soul to the Lord in Prayer
Chapter 9: Open Your Soul to the Lord in Prayer
Through personal and family prayer, we can feel Heavenly Father’s influence in our lives and in our homes.
18 Nov 2011
Ranked #6

Chapter 5: The Holy Priesthood—for the Blessing of God's Children
Chapter 5: The Holy Priesthood—for the Blessing of God's Children
The priesthood is the authority of God. Those who hold the priesthood must be worthy and use it to bless others.
18 Nov 2011
Ranked #7

Chapter 6: Sustaining Those Whom the Lord Sustains
Chapter 6: Sustaining Those Whom the Lord Sustains
Our leaders are chosen by the Lord, and He expects us to sustain them in word and action.
18 Nov 2011
Ranked #8

Chapter 10: The Scriptures, the Most Valuable Library in the World
Chapter 10: The Scriptures, the Most Valuable Library in the World
God has given us the holy scriptures to help us and our families prepare for eternal life.
18 Nov 2011
Ranked #9

Chapter 11: Revelation from God to His Children
Chapter 11: Revelation from God to His Children
Our Heavenly Father guides us individually and as a Church through the Holy Ghost.
18 Nov 2011
Ranked #10

Chapter 12: An Enthusiastic Desire to Share the Gospel
Chapter 12: An Enthusiastic Desire to Share the Gospel
Our brothers and sisters throughout the world need the message of the restored gospel, and it is our privilege to share ... Read more
18 Nov 2011