Cover image of HS 326 Audio: Planning For Retirement Needs

HS 326 Audio: Planning For Retirement Needs

Ranked #1

Podcast cover

1-1 Compare tax-advantaged retirement plans with nonqualified plans and IRAs

1-1 Compare tax-advantaged retirement plans with nonqualified plans and IRAs

10 Jun 2015


Ranked #2

Podcast cover

12-4 Identify what the prohibited transaction rules are intended to accomplish and how they work

12-4 Identify what the prohibited transaction rules are intended to accomplish and how they work

Identify what the prohibited transaction rules are intended to accomplish and how they work

1 Mar 2011


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Ranked #3

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12-3 Explain the individual account plan exception that limits fiduciary liability when participants make investment decisions

12-3 Explain the individual account plan exception that limits fiduciary liability when participants make investment decisions

Explain the individual account plan exception that limits fiduciary liability when participants make investment decision... Read more

1 Mar 2011


Ranked #4

Podcast cover

25-2 Identify the key distribution issues for the middle-class client who is concerned about financing retirement needs

25-2 Identify the key distribution issues for the middle-class client who is concerned about financing retirement needs

Identify the key distribution issues for the middle-class client who is concerned about financing retirement needs

2 Mar 2011


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Ranked #5

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14-3 Describe the steps for terminating a defined-benefit plan

14-3 Describe the steps for terminating a defined-benefit plan

Describe the steps for terminating a defined-benefit plan

1 Mar 2011


Ranked #6

Podcast cover

14-5 Explain what is unique about the distribution of plan assets at the time of plan termination

14-5 Explain what is unique about the distribution of plan assets at the time of plan termination

Explain what is unique about the distribution of plan assets at the time of plan termination

1 Mar 2011


Ranked #7

Podcast cover

12-1 Identify the scope of the fiduciary rules that apply to retirement plans

12-1 Identify the scope of the fiduciary rules that apply to retirement plans

Identify the scope of the fiduciary rules that apply to retirement plans

1 Mar 2011


Ranked #8

Podcast cover

6-0 SEPs, SIMPLEs, and 403(b) Plans

6-0 SEPs, SIMPLEs, and 403(b) Plans

SEPs, SIMPLEs, and 403(b) Plans

1 Mar 2011

Ranked #9

Podcast cover

13-2 Identify the key ongoing responsibilities of plan administration

13-2 Identify the key ongoing responsibilities of plan administration

Identify the key ongoing responsibilities of plan administration

1 Mar 2011


Ranked #10

Podcast cover

13-0 Plan Installation and Administration

13-0 Plan Installation and Administration

Plan Installation and Administration

1 Mar 2011

Ranked #11

Podcast cover

11-2 Identify the various funding instruments, and describe in detail how a trust operates

11-2 Identify the various funding instruments, and describe in detail how a trust operates

Identify the various funding instruments, and describe in detail how a trust operates

1 Mar 2011


Ranked #12

Podcast cover

1-2 Identify why tax-advantaged retirement plans are a positive retirement-saving vehicle for employees

1-2 Identify why tax-advantaged retirement plans are a positive retirement-saving vehicle for employees

10 Jun 2015


Ranked #13

Podcast cover

6-1 Compare simplified employee pensions (SEPs) to qualified plans, and identify when a SEP is a good alternative to a profit-sharing plan

6-1 Compare simplified employee pensions (SEPs) to qualified plans, and identify when a SEP is a good alternative to a profit-sharing plan

Compare simplified employee pensions (SEPs) to qualified plans, and identify when a SEP is a good alternative to a profi... Read more

1 Mar 2011


Ranked #14

Podcast cover

13-1 Describe the steps that must be taken to install a corporate plan

13-1 Describe the steps that must be taken to install a corporate plan

Describe the steps that must be taken to install a corporate plan

1 Mar 2011


Ranked #15

Podcast cover

10-2 Understand how the incidental death benefit requirements limit the amount of life insurance in a qualified plan

10-2 Understand how the incidental death benefit requirements limit the amount of life insurance in a qualified plan

Understand how the incidental death benefit requirements limit the amount of life insurance in a qualified plan

1 Mar 2011


Ranked #16

Podcast cover

14-4 Identify the impact of reverting assets to the employer in a defined-benefit plan

14-4 Identify the impact of reverting assets to the employer in a defined-benefit plan

Identify the impact of reverting assets to the employer in a defined-benefit plan

1 Mar 2011


Ranked #17

Podcast cover

4-1 Identify the types of benefit formulas available in a defined-benefit plan

4-1 Identify the types of benefit formulas available in a defined-benefit plan

Identify the types of benefit formulas available in a defined-benefit plan

1 Mar 2011


Ranked #18

Podcast cover

14-1 Identify reasons for, alternatives to, and limitations on terminating a qualified retirement plan

14-1 Identify reasons for, alternatives to, and limitations on terminating a qualified retirement plan

Identify reasons for, alternatives to, and limitations on terminating a qualified retirement plan

1 Mar 2011


Ranked #19

Podcast cover

14-0 Plan Termination

14-0 Plan Termination

Plan Termination

1 Mar 2011


Ranked #20

Podcast cover

12-5 Describe the impact of failing to satisfy the fiduciary rules and ways to protect the plan and fiduciaries

12-5 Describe the impact of failing to satisfy the fiduciary rules and ways to protect the plan and fiduciaries

Describe the impact of failing to satisfy the fiduciary rules and ways to protect the plan and fiduciaries

1 Mar 2011


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