Ranked #1

Jeanne Marsh & Christina Rogstad: From Aging to Saging - Tapping into the Wisdom of the Generations
Jeanne Marsh & Christina Rogstad: From Aging to Saging - Tapping into the Wisdom of the Generations
Sage-ing is a spiritual practice that involves harvesting the wisdom of our lives and finding ways to transmit that wis... Read more
3 May 2018
Ranked #2

Gary Cook: The Sound of Music in Plants and Trees. The Vegetable Kingdom Reveals its Sentience!
Gary Cook: The Sound of Music in Plants and Trees. The Vegetable Kingdom Reveals its Sentience!
I have known Gary near on 20 years and he has shared startling information that unveils to us a secret land that stretch... Read more
15 Aug 2018
Ranked #3

Ron Colman: Genuine Economic Indicators. How do we factor losses into our economy to give a true cost to the nation?
Ron Colman: Genuine Economic Indicators. How do we factor losses into our economy to give a true cost to the nation?
There is a growing awareness of what Genuine Progress Indicators do - as GDP includes all costs to the nation, whilst GP... Read more
18 Jul 2018
Ranked #4

Fiona Douglas: From an earth based scientist to reconnecting to the web of life via sound and music
Fiona Douglas: From an earth based scientist to reconnecting to the web of life via sound and music
This interview quickly takes us on her journey of immersion into nature - one that has inspired her curiosity to want to... Read more
2 Oct 2019
Ranked #5

Roy Harlow: Has the human race got ahead of itself with Artificial Intelligence - AI?
Roy Harlow: Has the human race got ahead of itself with Artificial Intelligence - AI?
Whilst we, somewhat complacent, especially in the so called developed Western world, indulge ourselves in multiple distr... Read more
27 Sep 2018
Ranked #6

Steffan Browning: Will ‘conscious’ regenerative - biological agriculture make NZ a world leader?
Steffan Browning: Will ‘conscious’ regenerative - biological agriculture make NZ a world leader?
The Portfolios that Steffan held in the NZ Green Party were: Primary Production This Included Agriculture and Horticult... Read more
8 Aug 2018
Ranked #7

Bruce Craig: New Warrior Training to Develop the Authentic, Mature Masculine via The Mankind Project
Bruce Craig: New Warrior Training to Develop the Authentic, Mature Masculine via The Mankind Project
In our society most of the models given are by media or peer groups or sports stars and they are very one dimensional - ... Read more
11 Apr 2018
Ranked #8

Allan Thomas: How taking in mineral clay can heal the human body of many health conditions
Allan Thomas: How taking in mineral clay can heal the human body of many health conditions
In this interview Allan tells the story about the finding of a treasure in the earth. It's called bentonite clay - Maori... Read more
13 Jun 2019
Ranked #9

Peter Bacchus: After 95 years, Biodynamic Farming is now positioning for a global uptake. Why now?
Peter Bacchus: After 95 years, Biodynamic Farming is now positioning for a global uptake. Why now?
This farming method initiated by Rudolf Steiner is more than a profound holistic farming modality, as it includes organi... Read more
15 Nov 2018
Ranked #10

Malcolm Scott: Is ‘atmospheric aerosol geo-engineering’ and white chemtrails happening over New Zealand?
Malcolm Scott: Is ‘atmospheric aerosol geo-engineering’ and white chemtrails happening over New Zealand?
Whereas prior to the year 2000 we did not see such things however, especially since 2009, these trails are becoming far ... Read more
29 Aug 2018
Ranked #11

Osher River Oriyah & Michael Fleck: Crossing the Threshold and Journeying into the Hidden Realms of Nature
Osher River Oriyah & Michael Fleck: Crossing the Threshold and Journeying into the Hidden Realms of Nature
With stress, depression and health issues nearly becoming the norm in our 21st century contemporary society - ‘there is ... Read more
17 Oct 2018
Ranked #12

Simone Vitale: The "Phonosphere" of the Earth, a vast and stupendous symphony of nature... tainted by noise
Simone Vitale: The "Phonosphere" of the Earth, a vast and stupendous symphony of nature... tainted by noise
All the sounds of nature coalesce and vibrate, in one vast symphony as in, for example, the dawn chorus of birds. The hu... Read more
23 May 2018
Ranked #13

Roy Harlow: Agenda 21 and Agenda 2030. What is it? Will it benefit children of today and tomorrow?
Roy Harlow: Agenda 21 and Agenda 2030. What is it? Will it benefit children of today and tomorrow?
What they say they are doing - nobody can complain. But, what they are actually planning and what it means when you unde... Read more
30 May 2019
Ranked #14

Juliet Adams: Project Lyttelton - growing community of participation, into care, mutual support and love
Juliet Adams: Project Lyttelton - growing community of participation, into care, mutual support and love
It’s about individuals coming together to localise, in creating business around farmers markets, food growing, timebanks... Read more
20 Jun 2018
Ranked #15

Robert Reid: Can we change the way we do business? Why are unions essential in the protection of workers?
Robert Reid: Can we change the way we do business? Why are unions essential in the protection of workers?
New Zealand hasn’t been a social-democratic paradise since Rogernomics’ deregulation, selling off public assets, and sla... Read more
27 Jun 2018
Ranked #16

Ayran von Dreger: Analyst of conspiracy theories, and their impact on global consciousness
Ayran von Dreger: Analyst of conspiracy theories, and their impact on global consciousness
Professor Frederick von Dreger, (former Chairman, Dept of Political Science, UPEI, Canada) retired, dissects media 'dec... Read more
24 Oct 2019
Ranked #17

Mark Skelding: Thames-Coromandel, Localised NZ communities which connect and prosper towards a shared outcome
Mark Skelding: Thames-Coromandel, Localised NZ communities which connect and prosper towards a shared outcome
This dialogue with Mark is a continuation of interviewing NZers around the country based on ‘pulling the strings of loca... Read more
6 Jun 2018
Ranked #18

Jodie Bruning: Independent Researcher of Health, especially Children’s Wellbeing in New Zealand
Jodie Bruning: Independent Researcher of Health, especially Children’s Wellbeing in New Zealand
Jodie is a Trustee for Physicians Scientists for Global Responsibility, an organisation that has been around for about 2... Read more
8 Aug 2019
Ranked #19

Dr Bruce Lipton: His views on Vaccinations - we’ve got it all wrong!
Dr Bruce Lipton: His views on Vaccinations - we’ve got it all wrong!
Bruce begins the interview with an introduction to his work and then moves on to speaking about the nature of vaccines a... Read more
19 Apr 2018
Ranked #20

Roy Harlow: Owner Manager of the most ‘alternative’ radio station in New Zealand
Roy Harlow: Owner Manager of the most ‘alternative’ radio station in New Zealand
Yet he humbly focus’s his life on a message of care and due diligence and then broadcasts it across the silent airwaves ... Read more
22 Aug 2018