Ranked #1

Episode 5: Her Story
Episode 5: Her Story
In the series finale, the person behind it all explains how John Dwight was assaulted.
21 Jun 2019
Ranked #2

Episode 4: The Confession
Episode 4: The Confession
The Narrator gathers everyone in Anne and Leah's room in an attempt to force a confession from Erika.
14 Jun 2019
Ranked #3

Episode 3: A Store Designer, a Trickster, and a Tired College Student
Episode 3: A Store Designer, a Trickster, and a Tired College Student
The house grows more tense after the discovery of a second body outside Anne and Leah's window and the Narrator picks up... Read more
7 Jun 2019
Ranked #4

Episode 2: Wendy
Episode 2: Wendy
As the Narrator, Anne, and Leah begin compiling a list of potential suspects, the mystery of what happened to John Dwigh... Read more
31 May 2019
Ranked #5

Episode 1: The Body
Episode 1: The Body
The Narrator begins interviewing members of the Zeta Zeta Mu sorority. However, his conversation with Anne is interrupte... Read more
24 May 2019