Ranked #1

Lecture 3: The Starry Night
Lecture 3: The Starry Night
What are the constellations, and how have they be named and used by manydifferent cultures throughout human history? We... Read more
22 Sep 2006
Ranked #2

Lecture 4: Measuring the Earth
Lecture 4: Measuring the Earth
What is the shape and size of the Earth? This lecture traces historicalideas about the shape of the Earth, from ancient... Read more
25 Sep 2006
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Ranked #3

Lecture 32: The Origin of the Solar System
Lecture 32: The Origin of the Solar System
How did the Solar System form? This lecture examines the clues in thepresent-day dynamics (orbital and rotation motions... Read more
7 Nov 2006
Ranked #4

Lecture 5: Mapping Earth and Sky
Lecture 5: Mapping Earth and Sky
Where are we? Where is someplace else? How do I get from here tothere? These are questions we need to answer both on ... Read more
26 Sep 2006
Ranked #5

Lecture 37: Jupiter and Saturn
Lecture 37: Jupiter and Saturn
Jupiter and Saturn are the largest planets in the Solar System,and the prototype of the Jovian Gas Giant planets. This ... Read more
15 Nov 2006
Ranked #6

Lecture 34: Venus Unveiled
Lecture 34: Venus Unveiled
Venus, the second planet from the Sun, is perpetually veiled behindopaque clouds of sulfuric acid droplets atop a hot, h... Read more
9 Nov 2006
Ranked #7

Lecture 6: Daily and Annual Motions
Lecture 6: Daily and Annual Motions
Why do celestial objects appear to rise in the East and set in the West?How does this depend on where you are on the Ear... Read more
27 Sep 2006
Ranked #8

Lecture 30: The Moon
Lecture 30: The Moon
What is the structure of the Moon, and what physical processes haveshaped its surface? In this lecture we turn to our n... Read more
2 Nov 2006
Ranked #9

Lecture 39: The Moons of Jupiter
Lecture 39: The Moons of Jupiter
Jupiter is surrounded by a solar system in miniature of 63 known moons.Most (59) are tiny, irregular bodies that are a c... Read more
20 Nov 2006
Ranked #10

Lecture 27: Deep Time - The Age of the Earth
Lecture 27: Deep Time - The Age of the Earth
How old is the Earth? This lecture reviews the idea of cyclic andlinear time, since how you view time determines whethe... Read more
30 Oct 2006
Ranked #11

Lecture 20: Tides
Lecture 20: Tides
Why are there two high tides a day? This lecture examines another ofthe consequences of gravity, the twice-daily tides ... Read more
18 Oct 2006
Ranked #12

Lecture 38: Uranus and Neptune
Lecture 38: Uranus and Neptune
Uranus and Neptune are the smallest and outermost of the 4 Jovianplanets. While superficially similar to Jupiter and Sa... Read more
16 Nov 2006
Ranked #13

Lecture 33: Battered Mercury
Lecture 33: Battered Mercury
Mercury is the innermost of the planets, a hot, dead world that has beenheavily battered by impacts. This lecture revie... Read more
8 Nov 2006
Ranked #14

Lecture 19: Orbits
Lecture 19: Orbits
Why do Kepler's Laws work? This lecture discusses how Newton appliedhis Three Laws of Motion and the Law of Universal G... Read more
17 Oct 2006
Ranked #15

Lecture 14: The Revolutions of Nicolaus Copernicus
Lecture 14: The Revolutions of Nicolaus Copernicus
In 1543, Nicolaus Copernicus re-introduced the Heliocentric idea ofAristarchus of Samos in an attempt to purge Ptolemy's... Read more
10 Oct 2006
Ranked #16

Lecture 35: The Deserts of Mars
Lecture 35: The Deserts of Mars
Mars, fourth planet from the Sun, is a cold desert planet with a thin,dry carbon-dioxide atmosphere. The geology of Mar... Read more
13 Nov 2006
Ranked #17

Lecture 18: The Apple and the Moon - Newtonian Gravity
Lecture 18: The Apple and the Moon - Newtonian Gravity
What is Gravity? This lecture reviews the law of falling bodies firstdescribed by Galileo, and then Newton's explanatio... Read more
16 Oct 2006
Ranked #18

Lecture 13: Greek Astronomy
Lecture 13: Greek Astronomy
What are the origins of the Geocentric and Heliocentric modelsput foward to explain planetary motion? This lecture begi... Read more
9 Oct 2006
Ranked #19

Lecture 16: Galileo and the Telescope
Lecture 16: Galileo and the Telescope
Tycho did as much as could be done with the naked eye, a new technologywas required to extend our vision, the telescope.... Read more
12 Oct 2006
Ranked #20

Lecture 7: The Four Seasons
Lecture 7: The Four Seasons
Why do we have different seasons? This lecture looks at theconsequences of the tilt of the Earth's rotation axis relati... Read more
28 Sep 2006