Ranked #1

Chiles Rellenos Pie
Chiles Rellenos Pie
Susan shows what you can do with bottom-of-the-bag crumbs
19 Dec 2007
Ranked #2

Red Beans and Rice
Red Beans and Rice
Susan gives her tip for keeping celery fresh for weeks
17 Dec 2007
Ranked #3

Easy Eggnogg Pumpkin Pie
Easy Eggnogg Pumpkin Pie
Susan shares her tip for hiding pie cracks with whipped cream
14 Dec 2007
Ranked #4

Salsa Beef Stew
Salsa Beef Stew
Susan recommends sauteeing stew meat to enhance flavor
18 Dec 2007
Ranked #5

Fennel Grilled Fish Dinner
Fennel Grilled Fish Dinner
Susan shares her easy technique for making savory compound butters
8 May 2008
Ranked #6

Crab Cakes with Indian Flavors
Crab Cakes with Indian Flavors
Susan demonstrates how to strip and crack fresh crabs
8 May 2008
Ranked #7

Turkey Cutlets with Melon Salsa
Turkey Cutlets with Melon Salsa
Susan shows the easiest way to make melon boats
6 May 2008
Ranked #8

Thai Snapper
Thai Snapper
Susan demonstrates how to make a foil packet for steam-grilling with spices and herbs
5 May 2008
Ranked #9

Rhubarb-Strawberry Cobbler
Rhubarb-Strawberry Cobbler
Susan explains how to select, store, and cook with rhubarb
2 May 2008
Ranked #10

Turkey Meatball Pitas
Turkey Meatball Pitas
Susan talks about the tenets of cooking with ground turkey
2 May 2008
Ranked #11

Grilled Chicken with Red Pepper Salsa
Grilled Chicken with Red Pepper Salsa
Susan explains the differences between fresh and pickled jalapenos
1 May 2008
Ranked #12

Best BBQ Ribs
Best BBQ Ribs
Susan offers buyer's tips for succulent baby back ribs
1 May 2008
Ranked #13

Porterhouse Steak with Grilled Salad
Porterhouse Steak with Grilled Salad
Susan recommends using a mortar and pestle to grind spices
28 Apr 2008
Ranked #14

Charbroiled Portobello Mushrooms
Charbroiled Portobello Mushrooms
Susan demonstrates how to clean and grill portobello mushrooms
28 Apr 2008
Ranked #15

Soba Noodles with Shrimp, Snow Peas and Carrots
Soba Noodles with Shrimp, Snow Peas and Carrots
Cleaning the Kitchen: Susan mixes an all-natural surface scrub solution
24 Apr 2008
Ranked #16

Lemon Turkey
Lemon Turkey
Cleaning the Kitchen: Susan demos the amazing cleaning properties of lemons
23 Apr 2008
Ranked #17

Boneless Chicken with Potato-Pepper Hash
Boneless Chicken with Potato-Pepper Hash
Cleaning the Kitchen: Susan demonstrates potatoes' rust-removing abilities
22 Apr 2008
Ranked #18

Skillet Vegetables and Cheese
Skillet Vegetables and Cheese
Cleaning the Kitchen: Susan shares an effortless way to remove baked-on gunk from skillets and pans
22 Apr 2008
Ranked #19

Orange Pork and Asparagus Stir Fry
Orange Pork and Asparagus Stir Fry
Susan explains how to buy, store, and eat kumquats
22 Apr 2008
Ranked #20

Quick Asparagus Crepes
Quick Asparagus Crepes
Susan demonstrates how to make perfect crepes
22 Apr 2008