Flight and Orbital Mechanics: 8. Interplanetary flight
Flight and Orbital Mechanics: 8. Interplanetary flight
AE2104-11. In this lecture Ir. R. Noomen talks about interplanetary flight. He start off by talking about transfer orbit... Read more
13 Oct 2011
1hr 32mins

Flight and Orbital Mechanics: 7. Eclipse and Maneuvers
Flight and Orbital Mechanics: 7. Eclipse and Maneuvers
AE2104-11. In this lecture Ir. R. Noomen talks about eclipses and maneuvers. Eclipses, being the time a satellite spend... Read more
6 Oct 2011
1hr 24mins

Flight and Orbital Mechanics: 6. Orbits
Flight and Orbital Mechanics: 6. Orbits
AE2104-11. In the lecture Ir. R. Noomen kicks off the subject of orbital mechanics. He starts off with a brief introduct... Read more
29 Sep 2011
1hr 31mins

Flight and Orbital Mechanics: 5. Equations of motion w/ wind
Flight and Orbital Mechanics: 5. Equations of motion w/ wind
AE2104-11. In this lecture Dr. Ir. M. Voskuijl first continues his lecture on cruise flight. He starts with the analytic... Read more
27 Sep 2011
1hr 30mins

Flight and Orbital Mechanics: 4. Landing
Flight and Orbital Mechanics: 4. Landing
AE2104-11. This lecture covers the theory behind cruising with an aircraft. It starts off with talking about the differe... Read more
20 Sep 2011
1hr 25mins

Flight and Orbital Mechanics: 3. Take off
Flight and Orbital Mechanics: 3. Take off
AE2104-11. In this lecture Dr. Ir. M. Voskuijl starts with a recap of the previous lecture, and finishes where had had l... Read more
15 Sep 2011
1hr 28mins

Flight and Orbital Mechanics: 2. Minimum time to climb
Flight and Orbital Mechanics: 2. Minimum time to climb
AE 2104-11. In this lecture Dr. Ir. M. Voskuijl begins with recapping the material covered in the previous lecture. The ... Read more
8 Sep 2011
1hr 19mins

Flight and Orbital Mechanics: 1. Unsteady Climb
Flight and Orbital Mechanics: 1. Unsteady Climb
AE2104-11. In this introduction lecture to flight mechanics Dr. Ir. M. Voskuijl starts off by explaining the way pilots ... Read more
6 Sep 2011
1hr 10mins