Ranked #1

Lecture 02: Astronomical Numbers
Lecture 02: Astronomical Numbers
What are our units of measure in astronomy? To begin our exploration ofastronomy, we first need to develop a common lan... Read more
20 Sep 2007
Ranked #2

Lecture 03: The Starry Night
Lecture 03: The Starry Night
What are the constellations? We will review the most basic feature ofthe night sky, the 6000 visible stars sprinkled ab... Read more
21 Sep 2007
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Ranked #3

Lecture 37: The Gas Giants - Jupiter and Saturn
Lecture 37: The Gas Giants - Jupiter and Saturn
The Gas Giants Jupiter and Saturn are the largest planets in the SolarSystem. Internally they are deep, heavy Hydrogen/... Read more
14 Nov 2007
Ranked #4

Lecture 17: On the Shoulders of Giants: Isaac Newton and the Laws of Motion
Lecture 17: On the Shoulders of Giants: Isaac Newton and the Laws of Motion
Copernicus, Kepler, Tycho, and Galileo together gave us a new way oflooking at the motions in the heavens, but they coul... Read more
12 Oct 2007
Ranked #5

Lecture 38: The Ice Giants - Uranus and Neptune
Lecture 38: The Ice Giants - Uranus and Neptune
The Ice Giants Uranus and Neptune are the outermost major planets of ourSolar System. Internally they small rocky cores... Read more
15 Nov 2007
Ranked #6

Lecture 32: The Origin of the Solar System
Lecture 32: The Origin of the Solar System
How did the Solar System form? In this lecture I review the clues forthe formation of the solar system in the present-d... Read more
6 Nov 2007
Ranked #7

Lecture 04: Measuring the Earth
Lecture 04: Measuring the Earth
What is the shape and size of the Earth? This lecture traces historicalideas about the shape of the Earth, from ancient... Read more
24 Sep 2007
Ranked #8

Lecture 05: Mapping Earth & Sky
Lecture 05: Mapping Earth & Sky
Where are we? Where is someplace else? And how do I get there fromhere? These are questions we need to answer both on... Read more
25 Sep 2007
Ranked #9

Lecture 34: Venus Unveiled
Lecture 34: Venus Unveiled
Venus, the second planet from the Sun, is perpetually veiled behindopaque clouds of sulfuric acid droplets atop a hot, h... Read more
8 Nov 2007
Ranked #10

Lecture 30: The Moon
Lecture 30: The Moon
What physical processes have shaped the Moon? In this lecture, Idescribe the surface features of the Moon (the Maria an... Read more
1 Nov 2007
Ranked #11

Lecture 27: Deep Time - The Age of the Earth
Lecture 27: Deep Time - The Age of the Earth
How old is the Earth? In this lecture I review the ideas of cyclic andlinear time, and how this determines whether or n... Read more
29 Oct 2007
Ranked #12

Lecture 18: The Apple and the Moon - Newtonian Gravitation
Lecture 18: The Apple and the Moon - Newtonian Gravitation
What is Gravity? Starting with the properties of falling bodies firstformulated by Galileo, Newton applied his three la... Read more
15 Oct 2007
Ranked #13

Lecture 33: Battered Mercury
Lecture 33: Battered Mercury
Mercury, innermost of the planets, is a hot, dead world that has beenheavily battered by impacts. In this lecture I rev... Read more
7 Nov 2007
Ranked #14

Lecture 22: Light the Messenger
Lecture 22: Light the Messenger
What is light? Most astronomical objects are too far away to measuredirectly. Light is the messenger of the Universe, ... Read more
22 Oct 2007
Ranked #15

Lecture 12: The Wanderers
Lecture 12: The Wanderers
How do the planets move across the sky? This lecture discusses themotions of the 5 naked-eye planets (Mercury, Venus, M... Read more
4 Oct 2007
Ranked #16

Lecture 19: Orbits
Lecture 19: Orbits
Why do Kepler's Laws work? In this lecture I will describe Newton'sgeneralization of Kepler's Laws of Planetary Motion ... Read more
16 Oct 2007
Ranked #17

Lecture 35: The Deserts of Mars
Lecture 35: The Deserts of Mars
Mars is a cold desert planet with a thin, dry carbon-dioxide atmosphere.The geology of Mars, however, shows signs of an ... Read more
9 Nov 2007
Ranked #18

Lecture 36: Worlds in Comparison - The Terrestrial Planets
Lecture 36: Worlds in Comparison - The Terrestrial Planets
Having completed our tour of the Terrestrial Planets, we want to stepback and compare their properties. In particular, ... Read more
13 Nov 2007
Ranked #19

Lecture 26: Telescopes
Lecture 26: Telescopes
Telescopes outfitted with modern electronic cameras and spectrographsare astronomers' primary tools for exploring the Un... Read more
26 Oct 2007
Ranked #20

Lecture 06: Daily and Annual Motions
Lecture 06: Daily and Annual Motions
Why do celestial objects appear to rise and set every day? How does this depend on where you are on the Earth, or the t... Read more
26 Sep 2007