Ranked #1

Lecture 2: Geology and Science
Lecture 2: Geology and Science
20 Sep 2011
Ranked #2

Lecture 6: Minerals Intro
Lecture 6: Minerals Intro
24 Sep 2011
Ranked #3

Lecture 8: Crystal Structures
Lecture 8: Crystal Structures
29 Sep 2011
Ranked #4

Lecture 15: Sedimentary Rocks
Lecture 15: Sedimentary Rocks
27 Oct 2011
Ranked #5

Lecture 4: Plate Tectonics Intro
Lecture 4: Plate Tectonics Intro
20 Sep 2011
Ranked #6

Lecture 16: Interpreting Sediments
Lecture 16: Interpreting Sediments
31 Oct 2011
Ranked #7

Lecture 17: Chemical Weathering
Lecture 17: Chemical Weathering
2 Nov 2011
Ranked #8

Lecture 14: Weathering
Lecture 14: Weathering
8 Oct 2011
Ranked #9

Lecture 10: Rocks and Plate Tectonics
Lecture 10: Rocks and Plate Tectonics
2 Oct 2011
Ranked #10

Lecture 7: Minerals and atoms
Lecture 7: Minerals and atoms
28 Sep 2011