Ranked #1

3: "The Secret of Spoon" (S1E2)
3: "The Secret of Spoon" (S1E2)
We love how this show manages to keep a sense of humor about it (a dark one, for sure) considering the themes of violenc... Read more
8 May 2017
1hr 21mins
Ranked #2

4: "Head Full of Snow" (S1E3)
4: "Head Full of Snow" (S1E3)
Bold, funny, beautiful, thought-provoking episode this week. Listen in as Jason, Jenny, and Mr. B react. Plus your feedb... Read more
15 May 2017
1hr 10mins
Ranked #3

9: "Come to Jesus" (S1E8)
9: "Come to Jesus" (S1E8)
A big, spectacular, eye-and-brain-feast of a season finale this week! Join us as we break it down. Also, all of us, Jas... Read more
19 Jun 2017
1hr 10mins
Ranked #4

8: "Prayer for Mad Sweeney" (S1E7)
8: "Prayer for Mad Sweeney" (S1E7)
American Gods takes another unexpected turn this week, detailing the entire life of Irish immigrant Laura-Moon-lookalike... Read more
12 Jun 2017
1hr 7mins
Ranked #5

7: "A Murder of Gods" (S1E6)
7: "A Murder of Gods" (S1E6)
If you are not meant to discuss religion, sex, and politics in polite company, consider this show to be verboten in the ... Read more
4 Jun 2017
1hr 12mins