Introducing Linux
Introducing Linux
Some say Leenix, some Leenux, some say Linux. So how do you say it?
18 Aug 2011

Linux - Origins
Linux - Origins
Richard Stallman broke free of the closed proprietary world of UNIX computing when he announced the GNU project in 1983.... Read more
18 Aug 2011

Linux - Open Source Software
Linux - Open Source Software
When the open source community use the word free they mean freedom; the freedom to use software in any way that you want... Read more
18 Aug 2011

Linux - Distros, dogs and the UNIX family
Linux - Distros, dogs and the UNIX family
Linux like the pet dog comes in many breeds, known as distributions or distros. In the same way that all dogs are descen... Read more
18 Aug 2011

Linux in everyday life - from smart-phones to supercomputers
Linux in everyday life - from smart-phones to supercomputers
Linux runs on everything from your workaday wireless router to CERN’s most powerful super-computer. Apache – the wide wo... Read more
18 Aug 2011

Linux and cloud computing
Linux and cloud computing
The future is now and the buzz word is Cloud. The Amazon and Google Cloud services represent a new dawn in the computer ... Read more
18 Aug 2011