Juan Romera: The Greatness Buddy, down-to-earth biohacking, letting virtue lead the way, making honest, decent and effective sales, becoming great by making others great first, practicing boldness, and the art of winning people - podcast #232
Juan Romera: The Greatness Buddy, down-to-earth biohacking, letting virtue lead the way, making honest, decent and effective sales, becoming great by making others great first, practicing boldness, and the art of winning people - podcast #232
"The relationship with your father will have an impact on you that won’t recognize until much later" - Juan Romera. Isra... Read more
17 Jul 2023
2hr 12mins

East Forest: harnessing the power of creation, dancing with chaos, learning to be human, trusting our inherent wisdom, loving awareness & combining music, psychedelics, meditation, ceremonies and creativity to dive into our inner world - podcast #231
East Forest: harnessing the power of creation, dancing with chaos, learning to be human, trusting our inherent wisdom, loving awareness & combining music, psychedelics, meditation, ceremonies and creativity to dive into our inner world - podcast #231
"I like making music that takes people inside" - East Forest. Isra Garcia interviews multidisciplinary artist, producer ... Read more
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