Ranked #1

130: Quantum entanglement with Dr. Ghose
130: Quantum entanglement with Dr. Ghose
Dr. Shohini Ghose talks about quantum entanglement, which she describes as an "amazing, weird handshake across space and... Read more
29 Jul 2018
Ranked #2

3: The moons of Mars with Dr. Fraeman
3: The moons of Mars with Dr. Fraeman
Dr. Abby Fraeman talks about Phobos and Deimos, the mysterious moons of Mars.
2 Aug 2015
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Ranked #3

5: The coldest stars with Dr. Kirkpatrick
5: The coldest stars with Dr. Kirkpatrick
Dr. Kirkpatrick talks about stars so cold you could touch them without getting burned.
9 Aug 2015
Ranked #4

129: A new type of galaxy with Dr. Mutlu-Pakdil
129: A new type of galaxy with Dr. Mutlu-Pakdil
Dr. Burçin Mutlu-Pakdil talks about her amazing discovery-- a galaxy with both an inner and outer ring. The existence of... Read more
15 Jul 2018
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4: LADEE explores the moon with Dr. Noble
4: LADEE explores the moon with Dr. Noble
Dr. Sarah Noble talks about the LADEE mission and an epiphany she had in graduate school.
2 Aug 2015
Ranked #6

85: Risk, hazard, and threat: the importance of language with Dr. Billings
85: Risk, hazard, and threat: the importance of language with Dr. Billings
Dr Linda Billings talks about the importance of clear communication across the expert/non-expert boundary. She describes... Read more
19 Feb 2017
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7: Exploring Mercury with Dr. Chabot
7: Exploring Mercury with Dr. Chabot
Dr. Nancy Chabot tells us about the MESSENGER mission, which explored the closest planet to the sun.
23 Aug 2015
Ranked #8

146: Our place the universe with Dr. Lanz
146: Our place the universe with Dr. Lanz
Dr. Alicia Lanz talks about the history of astronomical instrumentation, starting with the first telescope. She describe... Read more
10 Mar 2019
Ranked #9

87: Visions of interstellar travel with Dr. Hurt
87: Visions of interstellar travel with Dr. Hurt
Dr. Robert Hurt returns to the show to talk about artistic depictions of interstellar travel. We discuss the images of t... Read more
5 Mar 2017
Ranked #10

124: Searching Antarctica for meteorites with Dr. Cohen
124: Searching Antarctica for meteorites with Dr. Cohen
Dr. Barbara Cohen returns to the show to talk about meteorite collecting in Antarctica. These trips, which involve weeks... Read more
6 May 2018
Ranked #11

147: Searching for extraterrestrial life with Dr. Seager
147: Searching for extraterrestrial life with Dr. Seager
Dr. Seager explains how she and other astronomers are looking for extraterrestrial life. We discuss the Drake and Seager... Read more
24 Mar 2019
Ranked #12

34: Keeping track of asteroids with Dr. Sphar
34: Keeping track of asteroids with Dr. Sphar
Dr. Tim Sphar, CEO of NEO Sciences and former director of the Minor Planet Center, stops by the show to talk about how a... Read more
28 Feb 2016
Ranked #13

14: We are all made of star stuff... or are we? With Dr. Rich
14: We are all made of star stuff... or are we? With Dr. Rich
Dr Jeff Rich talks about where elements come from, and the famous phrase, "We are all made of star stuff".
11 Oct 2015
Ranked #14

35: Geology at a distance with Dr. Rivkin
35: Geology at a distance with Dr. Rivkin
Dr Andy Rivkin and I drink gin and tonics, and Andy explains what spectroscopy is and what it can teach us about mineral... Read more
6 Mar 2016
Ranked #15

134: Spinning stars with Dr. Rebull
134: Spinning stars with Dr. Rebull
Dr. Luisa Rebull returns to the show to describe new research with the Kepler space telescope. Her ingenious study takes... Read more
23 Sep 2018
Ranked #16

167: Far out with Dr. Sheppard
167: Far out with Dr. Sheppard
Dr. Scott Sheppard tells us about the two most distant objects ever observed in the solar system. He describes the cleve... Read more
29 Dec 2019
Ranked #17

36: Using artwork to explain the Universe with Dr. Hurt
36: Using artwork to explain the Universe with Dr. Hurt
Dr. Robert Hurt stops by the podcast to talk about his job making visuals to explain complicated astronomical concepts. ... Read more
13 Mar 2016
Ranked #18

53: How big? How far? How fast? with Dr. Beaton
53: How big? How far? How fast? with Dr. Beaton
Dr. Rachael Beaton and I try “Grass Jelly Drink” and talk about one of the major fundamental constants of the universe; ... Read more
10 Jul 2016
Ranked #19

86: Celestial cinematography with Dr. Kasliwal
86: Celestial cinematography with Dr. Kasliwal
Professor Mansi Kasliwal talks about the GROWTH project, which uses international teamwork to watch astronomical events ... Read more
26 Feb 2017
Ranked #20

121: Solar storms with Dr. Janvier
121: Solar storms with Dr. Janvier
Dr. Miho Janvier talks about her work studying solar storms, and tells us about the ways these storms have impacted huma... Read more
25 Mar 2018