Fantasy Fiction Update
Fantasy Fiction Update
30 Oct 2015

Fantasy Fiction 71: Wrestling and Dungeon Masters
Fantasy Fiction 71: Wrestling and Dungeon Masters
Our pal, and professional wrestling expert, Aubrey Sitterson joins us for tales of wrestling and dungeon masters!
28 Sep 2015
1hr 29mins

Fantasy Fiction: Wizard Hang 4
Fantasy Fiction: Wizard Hang 4
Bigfoot, Football, and plenty more in this general discussion episode of Fantasy Fiction, unlocked by our Patreon suppor... Read more
23 Sep 2015
1hr 1min

Fantasy Fiction 70: Ships and Mummies
Fantasy Fiction 70: Ships and Mummies
More tales of high fantasy from the realms of Orcspire and Daranos! In this episode: the conclusion of Count Encrusted's... Read more
17 Sep 2015

Fantasy Fiction: Chamber of Knowledge 1
Fantasy Fiction: Chamber of Knowledge 1
Return to the Chamber of Knowledge with your olde pals Reeses and Snickerdoodle. NEXT SCROLL!
11 Sep 2015

Fantasy Fiction 69: High Elves & Daggers
Fantasy Fiction 69: High Elves & Daggers
Join Dom and Josh as they celebrate the two year anniversary of Fantasy Fiction on this very special 69th episode.
31 Aug 2015
1hr 16mins

Fantasy Fiction 68: Blood Magic and Nightmares
Fantasy Fiction 68: Blood Magic and Nightmares
Frightening tales of spooky magic and scary dreams await you on this episode of Fantasy Fiction!
17 Aug 2015

Fantasy Fiction 67: Cursed Gems and Pyromancers
Fantasy Fiction 67: Cursed Gems and Pyromancers
Tales of cursed gems and pyromancers await you in this new episode of Fantasy Fiction!
3 Aug 2015

Fantasy Fiction 66: Wizard Hang III The Revenge
Fantasy Fiction 66: Wizard Hang III The Revenge
Dom and Josh shoot the breeze, reminisce about old episodes, and discuss topics suggested by you in the bonus episode of... Read more
27 Jul 2015
1hr 2mins

Fantasy Fiction 65: Relics and Ice Vikings
Fantasy Fiction 65: Relics and Ice Vikings
Tim Jennings joins Dom and Josh with a new tale from the land of Stonesrealm!
20 Jul 2015
1hr 8mins