Ranked #1

Matei 23 - Matthew 23
Matei 23 - Matthew 23
Şapte woes la farisei - Jesus pronounces woes on the Pharisees.
31 Dec 2009
Ranked #2

Matei 20 - Matthew 20
Matei 20 - Matthew 20
Isus ne învaţă despre Împărăţia vin - Jesus teaches about the coming kingdom.
31 Dec 2009
Ranked #3

Matei 22 - Matthew 22
Matei 22 - Matthew 22
Isus răspunde la întrebări truc - Jesus answers trick questions.
31 Dec 2009
Ranked #4

Matei 21 - Matthew 21
Matei 21 - Matthew 21
Isus intră în Ierusalim - Jesus enters Jerusalem and is confronted.
31 Dec 2009
Ranked #5

Matei 8 - Matthew 8
Matei 8 - Matthew 8
Isus vindecă multe - Jesus heals many.
31 Dec 2009
Ranked #6

Matei 6 - Matthew 6
Matei 6 - Matthew 6
Isus - alai şi face griji - Jesus preaches on showiness and on worry.
31 Dec 2009
Ranked #7

Matei 7 - Matthew 7
Matei 7 - Matthew 7
Providence şi fructiferi - Jesus preaches on providence and on fruit-bearing.
31 Dec 2009
Ranked #8

Matei 9 - Matthew 9
Matei 9 - Matthew 9
Isus vindecă şi Matei numit - Jesus heals more and calls Matthew.
31 Dec 2009
Ranked #9

Matei 10 - Matthew 10
Matei 10 - Matthew 10
Isus a trimite doisprezece ucenici - Jesus sends out twelve disciples.
31 Dec 2009
Ranked #10

Matei 11 - Matthew 11
Matei 11 - Matthew 11
Isus şi Ioan Botezătorul - Jesus explains his relationship with the baptist.
31 Dec 2009
Ranked #11

Matei 12 - Matthew 12
Matei 12 - Matthew 12
normele Isus Sabatul si demoni - Jesus rules the Sabbath and the demons.
31 Dec 2009
Ranked #12

Matei 13 - Matthew 13
Matei 13 - Matthew 13
Isus spune pilde despre imparatia - Jesus tells parables about the kingdom.
31 Dec 2009
Ranked #13

Matei 14 - Matthew 14
Matei 14 - Matthew 14
Isus creează produse alimentare si calmeaza furtuna - Jesus creates food and calms the storm.
31 Dec 2009
Ranked #14

Matei 15 - Matthew 15
Matei 15 - Matthew 15
Isus învaţă despre sinceritate - Jesus teaches about sincerity.
31 Dec 2009
Ranked #15

Matei 16 - Matthew 16
Matei 16 - Matthew 16
Isus prezice bisericii şi moartea Sa - Jesus predicts the church and his death.
31 Dec 2009
Ranked #16

Matei 17 - Matthew 17
Matei 17 - Matthew 17
Isus apare cu Moise si Ilie - Jesus appears with Moses and Elijah in glory.
31 Dec 2009
Ranked #17

Matei 18 - Matthew 18
Matei 18 - Matthew 18
Isus învaţă despre iertare - Jesus teaches about forgiveness.
31 Dec 2009
Ranked #18

Matei 19 - Matthew 19
Matei 19 - Matthew 19
Isus ne învaţă despre divorţ şi bogăţiile - Jesus teaches about divorce and about riches.
31 Dec 2009
Ranked #19

Matei 24 - Matthew 24
Matei 24 - Matthew 24
Semne de aproape de vârsta - Jesus predicts the destuction of Jerusalem.
31 Dec 2009
Ranked #20

Matei 25 - Matthew 25
Matei 25 - Matthew 25
Isus spune pilde despre hotărârea - Jesus tells parables about the judgment.
31 Dec 2009