Ranked #1

100: Special Episode: Getting Personal with Dr. Doug Lisle
100: Special Episode: Getting Personal with Dr. Doug Lisle
Getting Personal with Dr. Doug Lisle
18 Jan 2018
1hr 4mins
Ranked #2

44: Willpower and Change
44: Willpower and Change
Willpower & Change, an evolutionary psychology take.
8 Dec 2016
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Ranked #3

195: Pleasure Trap, Making yourself proud, Social cost of eating healthy
195: Pleasure Trap, Making yourself proud, Social cost of eating healthy
On today's show, Dr. Lisle and Dr. Howk will answer the following questions: 1. Imagine a 20-year-old male. Every day, ... Read more
14 Nov 2019
Ranked #4

110:Co-dependency, child attachment styles, advice on losing a child
110:Co-dependency, child attachment styles, advice on losing a child
Questions for this show are: 1. Strategies for "healing" from an abusive relationship. Do spouses that escape a narciss... Read more
29 Mar 2018
Ranked #5

43: Inside the Criminal Mind
43: Inside the Criminal Mind
Dr. Lisle shares his experiences as a forensic psychologist for the criminal justice system in Dallas, Texas. We will g... Read more
1 Dec 2016
Ranked #6

94: Dating on a diet, Painful memories, jealousy, working long hours
94: Dating on a diet, Painful memories, jealousy, working long hours
Continuing on with the questions from last week's show. 5. Is orthorexia real? Does it apply to an actually health-pr... Read more
7 Dec 2017
Ranked #7

98: Evolutionary psychology in 2018
98: Evolutionary psychology in 2018
Evolutionary psychology in 2018
4 Jan 2018
Ranked #8

51: How to feel good, how to succceed at life improvement
51: How to feel good, how to succceed at life improvement
How to feel good, how to succceed at life improvement
2 Feb 2017
Ranked #9

33: Stress Management
33: Stress Management
How do we manage stress?
22 Sep 2016
Ranked #10

177: Does seeking validation hinder happiness? Role of evolutionary mismatch
177: Does seeking validation hinder happiness? Role of evolutionary mismatch
In this episode, we review a new study in the science of happiness. The first, by Bruce Headey called, Happiness and Lon... Read more
11 Jul 2019
1hr 2mins
Ranked #11

136: Why we feel unhappy sometimes, The meaning of life, What is intuition?
136: Why we feel unhappy sometimes, The meaning of life, What is intuition?
Why we feel unhappy sometimes, What is the meaning of life, What is intuition?
27 Sep 2018
Ranked #12

88: Quitting vices: One by one or altogether? Helping your SO with their vices
88: Quitting vices: One by one or altogether? Helping your SO with their vices
Topics: Quitting vices one by one or altogether? Helping your SO with their vices Why are students so stressed? Tips to... Read more
19 Oct 2017
Ranked #13

39: Procrastination
39: Procrastination
Understanding procrastination.
3 Nov 2016
Ranked #14

119: How does our personality change? With circumstance? With age?
119: How does our personality change? With circumstance? With age?
How does our personality change? With circumstance? With age?
31 May 2018
Ranked #15

95: OCD, Jealousy, Over-working, and advice for a naturopath
95: OCD, Jealousy, Over-working, and advice for a naturopath
OCD, Jealousy, Over-working, and advice for a naturopath
14 Dec 2017
Ranked #16

27: How to Make Great Friends
27: How to Make Great Friends
How do we make such great friends? We'll answer this question by going over an article called "Why Men Are Better at Fri... Read more
11 Aug 2016
1hr 5mins