Ranked #1

Coranavirus is spreading World wide - Koronavirusepidemian tilannekatsaus
Coranavirus is spreading World wide - Koronavirusepidemian tilannekatsaus
The World Health Organisation chief says the deadly coronavirus outbreak is in what he calls "uncharted territory" - Maa... Read more
5 Mar 2020
Ranked #2

News and weather 11.3.20 - Uutiset ja sää 11.3.20
News and weather 11.3.20 - Uutiset ja sää 11.3.20
News from Australia and overseas - Uutisia Australiasta ja ulkomnailta
11 Mar 2020
Ranked #3

Timo Uotila reports from Helsinki - Timo Uotilan raportti Helsingistä
Timo Uotila reports from Helsinki - Timo Uotilan raportti Helsingistä
Finnish Current Affairs 26.2.20 - Ajankohtaisraportti Suomesta 26.2.20
8 Mar 2020
Ranked #4

Australian summers getting longer, winters getting shorter - Australian kesät ovat entistä pidempiä
Australian summers getting longer, winters getting shorter - Australian kesät ovat entistä pidempiä
Australia's temperatures are rising faster than the global average and could warm by up to four degrees by the end of th... Read more
7 Mar 2020
Ranked #5

Looming court challenges over WA, Queensland border closures - Queenslandin ja Länsi-Australian hallitukset voidaan mahdolisesti pakottaa uudellenavaamaan rajansa
Looming court challenges over WA, Queensland border closures - Queenslandin ja Länsi-Australian hallitukset voidaan mahdolisesti pakottaa uudellenavaamaan rajansa
Tourism operators are warning they're on the brink of collapse, with the states shut off to both international and inter... Read more
31 May 2020
Ranked #6

First clinical trial in Southern hemisphere of potential COVID-19 vaccine - Koronaviruskokeet ovat käynnistyneet Australiassa
First clinical trial in Southern hemisphere of potential COVID-19 vaccine - Koronaviruskokeet ovat käynnistyneet Australiassa
Around 10 experimental Coronavirus vaccines are already being tested on people around the globe. And now, the first clin... Read more
30 May 2020
Ranked #7

News and weather 27.05.2020 - Uutiset ja sää 27.05.2020
News and weather 27.05.2020 - Uutiset ja sää 27.05.2020
News in Finnish from Australia and overseas - Uutisia Australiasta ja ulkomailta
27 May 2020
Ranked #8

Can man's best friend help to fight the new coronavirus? - Voivatko koirat haistaa koronavirustartunnan?
Can man's best friend help to fight the new coronavirus? - Voivatko koirat haistaa koronavirustartunnan?
Researchers around the world are looking at whether dogs can be used in the fight against COVID-19. They're trying to fi... Read more
23 May 2020
Ranked #9

Continued calls for states to reopen borders - Joidenkin osavaltioiden rajat pysyvät edelleen suljettuina
Continued calls for states to reopen borders - Joidenkin osavaltioiden rajat pysyvät edelleen suljettuina
Tourism operators are pleading for state and territory governments to reopen their borders to domestic travellers. - Tur... Read more
22 May 2020
Ranked #10

What is the 'coronavirus 'second wave' and how do we avoid it? - Mikä on virusepidemian toinen aalto ja miten sitä vältetään?
What is the 'coronavirus 'second wave' and how do we avoid it? - Mikä on virusepidemian toinen aalto ja miten sitä vältetään?
Second waves of COVID-19 infections in Germany and South Korea should act as a cautionary tale for Australia. - Saksassa... Read more
14 May 2020
Ranked #11

News in Finnish 13.05.20 - Uutiset ja sää 13.05.20
News in Finnish 13.05.20 - Uutiset ja sää 13.05.20
News from Australia and abroad - Uutisia Australiasta ja ulkomailta
13 May 2020
Ranked #12

Will COVID-19 force us to change our ways over the environment? - Tuleeko koronavirus aiheuttamaan pysyviä muutoksia elämäntapaamme?
Will COVID-19 force us to change our ways over the environment? - Tuleeko koronavirus aiheuttamaan pysyviä muutoksia elämäntapaamme?
The economic and societal shutdowns forced by the coronavirus may create an opportunity to adjust, and re-make the world... Read more
10 May 2020
Ranked #13

Timo Uotila report from Finland - Timo Uotilan raportti Suomesta 6.5.20
Timo Uotila report from Finland - Timo Uotilan raportti Suomesta 6.5.20
Finnish current affairs, politics and the economy - Suomen politiikkaa, taloutta ja muuta ajankohtaista
10 May 2020
Ranked #14

Working as an interpreter and language tutor during the pandemic - Tulkin ja suomenkielen opettajan työstä koronaviruksen aikaan
Working as an interpreter and language tutor during the pandemic - Tulkin ja suomenkielen opettajan työstä koronaviruksen aikaan
Tarja Papantoniou works in Melbourne as an interpreter and teacher of Finnish. Just like in many other professions, the ... Read more
7 May 2020
Ranked #15

Public tolerance for Coronavirus restrictions is beginning to run out - Australialaiset alkavat kyllästyä koronavirusrajoituksiin
Public tolerance for Coronavirus restrictions is beginning to run out - Australialaiset alkavat kyllästyä koronavirusrajoituksiin
As COVID-19 infection rates continue to fall in Australia, the public is getting less tolerant the restrictions that off... Read more
30 Apr 2020
Ranked #16

The COVID-19 pandemic has a worrying effect on emplyment - Viruspandemia vaikuttaa huolestuttavsti työttömyyteen
The COVID-19 pandemic has a worrying effect on emplyment - Viruspandemia vaikuttaa huolestuttavsti työttömyyteen
Unemployment could rise to record highs in Australia as COVID-19 social distancing measures cripple the economy. - Austr... Read more
24 Apr 2020
Ranked #17

The Koala is threatened because of habitat loss - Koala on entistä uhatumpi
The Koala is threatened because of habitat loss - Koala on entistä uhatumpi
Australian conservation groups are renewing calls for koalas to be declared an endangered species, months after bushfire... Read more
19 Apr 2020
Ranked #18

The Finnish Southern Cross congregation under coronavirus restrictions - Sydneyn Etelän Ristin seurakunta toimii koronaviruksen aikana.
The Finnish Southern Cross congregation under coronavirus restrictions - Sydneyn Etelän Ristin seurakunta toimii koronaviruksen aikana.
The normal functioning of the congregation has changed to fit in with the virus pandemic. - Seurakunnan toimintaa on jou... Read more
18 Apr 2020
Ranked #19

News and weather 15.4.20 - Uutiset ja sää 15.4.20
News and weather 15.4.20 - Uutiset ja sää 15.4.20
News in Finnish from Australia and abroad - Uutisia Australiasta ja ulkomailta
15 Apr 2020
Ranked #20

China's wet markets begin to reopen but are they a danger to public health? - Kiinassa eläinmarkkinat, niinsanotut Wet Markets, on jälleen avattu
China's wet markets begin to reopen but are they a danger to public health? - Kiinassa eläinmarkkinat, niinsanotut Wet Markets, on jälleen avattu
China has reportedly reopened its 'wet markets' where it's suspected the coronavirus pandemic began, raising concerns ab... Read more
13 Apr 2020