Ranked #1

September 2010: The genetic basis of night blindness, microRNAs in regulatory T cells, and the mating habits of songbirds
September 2010: The genetic basis of night blindness, microRNAs in regulatory T cells, and the mating habits of songbirds
Learn how a sodium-calcium exchanger helps humans see in the dark (0:42), understand why one microRNA is critical for st... Read more
23 Sep 2010
Ranked #2

July 2015: From Human Memories to Wooly Mammoths
July 2015: From Human Memories to Wooly Mammoths
How our brain’s working memory actually works, with Mark Stokes (00:00 Trends in Cognitive Sciences). How synthetic biol... Read more
16 Jul 2015
Ranked #3

August 2010: Muscle wasting, gut regeneration, and brain metabolism
August 2010: Muscle wasting, gut regeneration, and brain metabolism
Hear about a strategy to reverse the muscle wasting that accompanies cancer (00:55), learn about a kinase that is a key ... Read more
26 Aug 2010
Ranked #4

April 2016: Growing Older
April 2016: Growing Older
In this edition, we learn how HIV is linked to premature aging, with Trey Ideker, Molecular Cell (00:00); how seeing and... Read more
28 Apr 2016
Ranked #5

March 2016: Going Viral
March 2016: Going Viral
In this edition, we learn how the Zika virus affects fetal development, with Guo-li Ming, Hongjun Song, and Hengli Tang,... Read more
24 Mar 2016
Ranked #6

January 2018: Don’t Waste Your Yogurt
January 2018: Don’t Waste Your Yogurt
In this edition, we’ll hear about a new technique to inject information into the brain of monkeys, with Kevin Mazurek an... Read more
25 Jan 2018
Ranked #7

June 2014: On Women in Neuroscience and Stem Cells in Your Blood
June 2014: On Women in Neuroscience and Stem Cells in Your Blood
In this edition, we learn about how dietary changes can affect stem cells in the blood, leading to possible therapeutic ... Read more
26 Jun 2014
Ranked #8

December 2015: All Cells Big and Small
December 2015: All Cells Big and Small
In this edition, we’ll hear about quantitative techniques to study single cells (00: 00 with Rick Horowitz, Trends in Ce... Read more
17 Dec 2015
Ranked #9

October 2009: How the influenza virus outwits the host immune system, why our ancestors took up farming, and what fruit fly memories are really made of
October 2009: How the influenza virus outwits the host immune system, why our ancestors took up farming, and what fruit fly memories are really made of
Learn about a clever way that the influenza virus outwits the host immune system (start 0:47), hear why our ancestors ab... Read more
22 Oct 2009
Ranked #10

August 2009: An X-chromosome variant that protects against AIDS progression, a microRNA linking normal and cancer stem cells, and how cells move in the worm embryo
August 2009: An X-chromosome variant that protects against AIDS progression, a microRNA linking normal and cancer stem cells, and how cells move in the worm embryo
Learn about an X chromosome variant that protects against the progression of AIDS (start 0:50), hear about a microRNA th... Read more
27 Aug 2009
Ranked #11

November 2009: Membrane trafficking in cells and regulation in breast cancer cells
November 2009: Membrane trafficking in cells and regulation in breast cancer cells
Learn about two new studies identifying a protein complex that helps with intracellular membrane trafficking (start 0:47... Read more
19 Nov 2009
Ranked #12

July 2009: How cancer cells evade detection, genes that keep the genome stable, and new therapeutic targets fortreating tuberculosis
July 2009: How cancer cells evade detection, genes that keep the genome stable, and new therapeutic targets fortreating tuberculosis
Learn how cancer cells evade detection by macrophages (start 0:46), hear about a screen for genes that keep the genome s... Read more
30 Jul 2009
Ranked #13

June 2009: Repairing damaged lung tissue, halting liver tumor growth, and RNA as a drug target
June 2009: Repairing damaged lung tissue, halting liver tumor growth, and RNA as a drug target
Learn how stem cells can repair damaged lung tissue (start 1:04), how delivery of a microRNA to liver tumors in mice hal... Read more
18 Jun 2009
Ranked #14

April 2009: Using stem cell therapy to treat heart disease, a key player in the production of Th17 cells, and a microRNA's role in regulating fly development
April 2009: Using stem cell therapy to treat heart disease, a key player in the production of Th17 cells, and a microRNA's role in regulating fly development
Learn about a microRNA that confers robustness on the pathways regulating fly development (start 0:50), the cytokine int... Read more
23 Apr 2009
Ranked #15

May 2009: Regulatory T cells, developing insulin resistance associated with obesity, and bladder epithelium regeneration after infection with e. coli
May 2009: Regulatory T cells, developing insulin resistance associated with obesity, and bladder epithelium regeneration after infection with e. coli
Learn how bladder epithelium regenerates after infection (0:53) and which amino acids are involved in developing insulin... Read more
21 May 2009
Ranked #16

March 2009: An unexpected pro-apoptotic role for the retinoblastoma tumor suppressor, a cytoplasmic filter in neurons, and a mechanism involved in the oxidative stress response in yeast
March 2009: An unexpected pro-apoptotic role for the retinoblastoma tumor suppressor, a cytoplasmic filter in neurons, and a mechanism involved in the oxidative stress response in yeast
Learn about an unexpected pro-apoptotic role for the retinoblastoma tumor suppressor (start 1:22), a cytoplasmic filter ... Read more
26 Mar 2009
Ranked #17

February 2009: Melanoma cells eluding signals from a key growth control pathway, how to reprogram cells back to a pluripotent state, and variations in human genes contributing to evolution
February 2009: Melanoma cells eluding signals from a key growth control pathway, how to reprogram cells back to a pluripotent state, and variations in human genes contributing to evolution
Hear about a new study that reveals how human melanoma cells elude signals from a key growth control pathway, how to rep... Read more
26 Feb 2009
Ranked #18

October 2014: Deep Diving into Cellular Function
October 2014: Deep Diving into Cellular Function
In this edition, we learn about about how the poison botulinum toxin alters cell functions, with K. Ravi Acharya (00:00)... Read more
23 Oct 2014
Ranked #19

January 2009: Counteracting climate change with glossy crop leaves, leaky nuclei in aging cells, and how the body keeps cholesterol in check
January 2009: Counteracting climate change with glossy crop leaves, leaky nuclei in aging cells, and how the body keeps cholesterol in check
Hear about a new study that reveals how aging cells end up with leaky nuclei and how the glossy leaves of crop plants ma... Read more
29 Jan 2009
Ranked #20

September 2013: From Making Memories to Changing Bacteria
September 2013: From Making Memories to Changing Bacteria
What makes a memory, with Jonathan Crystal (0:00) (Special issue on memory from Current Biology). The birth of the Prote... Read more
20 Sep 2013