Dustin A. Lewis - The End of an Armed Conflict under International Law
Dustin A. Lewis - The End of an Armed Conflict under International Law
Dustin A. Lewis - The End of an Armed Conflict under International Law
20 Mar 2023

Michał Balcerzak - The Law and Practice of UN Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination
Michał Balcerzak - The Law and Practice of UN Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination
Michał Balcerzak - The Law and Practice of the UN Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination
17 Mar 2023

Fernando Lusa Bordin - The Applicability of General International Law to International Organizations
Fernando Lusa Bordin - The Applicability of General International Law to International Organizations
Fernando Lusa Bordin - The Applicability of General International Law to International Organizations
15 Mar 2023

Jean-Marie Henckaerts - Where Vienna and Geneva Meet: Treaty Interpretation
Jean-Marie Henckaerts - Where Vienna and Geneva Meet: Treaty Interpretation
Jean-Marie Henckaerts - Where Vienna and Geneva Meet: Treaty Interpretation and the Geneva Conventions
14 Mar 2023

Cezary Mik - The Principle of pacta sunt servanda in International Law
Cezary Mik - The Principle of pacta sunt servanda in International Law
Cezary Mik - The Principle of pacta sunt servanda in International Law
2 Mar 2023

Cezary Mik - Application of the Principle of pacta sunt servanda to Other Sources of IL
Cezary Mik - Application of the Principle of pacta sunt servanda to Other Sources of IL
Cezary Mik - Application of the Principle of pacta sunt servanda to Other Sources of International Law
2 Mar 2023

Peri Johnson - The Role of Nuclear Law in the Use of Atomic Energy for Peace and Development
Peri Johnson - The Role of Nuclear Law in the Use of Atomic Energy for Peace and Development
Peri Johnson - The Role of Nuclear Law in the Use of Atomic Energy for Peace and Development
17 Feb 2023

Danae Azaria - State Silence in International Law
Danae Azaria - State Silence in International Law
Danae Azaria - State Silence in International Law
6 Feb 2023

Valerie Oosterveld - Sexual Violence and other Gender-based Crimes in the Jurisprudence of ICC
Valerie Oosterveld - Sexual Violence and other Gender-based Crimes in the Jurisprudence of ICC
Valerie Oosterveld - Sexual Violence and other Gender-based Crimes in the Jurisprudence of International Criminal Courts... Read more
27 Jan 2023

Chiara Giorgetti - Criticism and Reform Efforts in International Investment Law
Chiara Giorgetti - Criticism and Reform Efforts in International Investment Law
Chiara Giorgetti - Criticism and Reform Efforts in International Investment Law
16 Dec 2022