Clara Ponsati

2 Podcast Episodes

Breast and cervical cancers; Clara Ponsati; Imposteress Rabbit Breeder; Scenes with Girls

Breast and cervical cancers; Clara Ponsati; Imposteress Rabbit Breeder; Scenes with Girls

A new scanning technique that can identify aggressive tumours could help to transform the treatment of breast cancer. Dr... Read more

23 Jan 2020


2018-06-12. CRISIS CATALUNA EDIMBURGO.- Aamer Anwar, el abogado de la exconsellera catalana Clara Ponsati, requerida por la Justicia espanola en relacion con la organizacion del referendum ilegal...

2018-06-12. CRISIS CATALUNA EDIMBURGO.- Aamer Anwar, el abogado de la exconsellera catalana Clara Ponsati, requerida por la Justicia espanola en relacion con la organizacion del referendum ilegal...

12 Jun 2018


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