David Soberman

2 Podcast Episodes

Why aren't people using the COVID-19 Alert App, David Soberman joined the Bill Kelly Show

Why aren't people using the COVID-19 Alert App, David Soberman joined the Bill Kelly Show

Out of those who were infected with COVID-19 in Ontario, only 5% reported their diagnosis into the COVID-19 alert app. H... Read more

21 Oct 2020


#44: What’s the best way to display all the great photos from our honeymoon? Featuring David Soberman of Motif

#44: What’s the best way to display all the great photos from our honeymoon? Featuring David Soberman of Motif

Got a photo question? This week we sat down with David Soberman, head of Global Marketing, of Motif!  We discussed quest... Read more

27 Jun 2019


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