Kateřina Kolářová

2 Podcast Episodes

Kateřina Kolářová: Moje zranitelnost je spojená s tvou zranitelností

Kateřina Kolářová: Moje zranitelnost je spojená s tvou zranitelností

Teoretička Kateřina Kolářová představuje v rozhovoru s kurátorkou Terezou Jindrovou obor disability studies, který v rám... Read more

15 May 2021

1hr 6mins

Soviets, Slovaks, and the Pope (with James Felak) // The Post-Socialist Effect (with Kateřina Kolářová)

Soviets, Slovaks, and the Pope (with James Felak) // The Post-Socialist Effect (with Kateřina Kolářová)

At this time, we understand the world is in chaos, but it's still a good idea to take a break from the headlines every o... Read more

28 Mar 2020


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