8 Podcast Episodes
ComNet18 Keynote: David Frum, Senior Editor at The Atlantic, In Conversation With Lara Setrakian
ComNet18 Keynote: David Frum, Senior Editor at The Atlantic, In Conversation With Lara Setrakian
ComNet18 Keynote: David Frum, Senior Editor at The Atlantic, In Conversation With Lara Setrakian by The Communications N... Read more
25 Oct 2018
Três maneiras de reparar a indústria jornalística | Lara Setrakian
Três maneiras de reparar a indústria jornalística | Lara Setrakian
Algo está muito errado com a indústria jornalística. A confiança nos meios de comunicação atingiu um recorde negativo; n... Read more
15 Feb 2017
Tres formas de arreglar una industria de noticias deteriorada | Lara Setrakian
Tres formas de arreglar una industria de noticias deteriorada | Lara Setrakian
Algo va muy mal en la industria de las noticias. La confianza en los medios de comunicación ha alcanzado un mínimo histó... Read more
15 Feb 2017
3 façons de réparer une industrie de l'information endommagée | Lara Setrakian
3 façons de réparer une industrie de l'information endommagée | Lara Setrakian
Quelque chose cloche dans l'industrie de l'information. La confiance dans les médias est historiquement au plus bas ; no... Read more
15 Feb 2017
3 Wege, die kaputte Nachrichtenbranche zu reparieren | Lara Setrakian
3 Wege, die kaputte Nachrichtenbranche zu reparieren | Lara Setrakian
Mit der Nachrichtenbranche stimmt etwas ganz und gar nicht. Vertrauen in die Medien hat einen absoluten Tiefstand erreic... Read more
15 Feb 2017
3 ways to fix a broken news industry | Lara Setrakian
3 ways to fix a broken news industry | Lara Setrakian
Something is very wrong with the news industry. Trust in the media has hit an all-time low; we're inundated with sensati... Read more
15 Feb 2017
잘못된 뉴스 업계를 바로잡는 세 가지 방법 | 라라 세트라키안(Lara Setrakian)
잘못된 뉴스 업계를 바로잡는 세 가지 방법 | 라라 세트라키안(Lara Setrakian)
언론은 뭔가 크게 잘못 되었습니다. 언론에 대한 신뢰도는 사상 최저를 기록하고 있습니다. 언론종사자이자 창업자인 라라 세트라키안은 자극적인 이야기만 넘쳐나고 있으며, 일관된 양질의 보도는 찾아보기 힘들어졌다고 말합니... Read more
15 Feb 2017
Ep49 - Lara Setrakian
Ep49 - Lara Setrakian
As a reporter for ABC and Bloomberg Television, Lara Setrakian crisscrossed the Middle East reporting live as the Arab S... Read more
4 Jul 2013