Gita Gopinath

14 Podcast Episodes

Alphabet CFO Ruth Porat and Gita Gopinath: Where Public Meets Private

Alphabet CFO Ruth Porat and Gita Gopinath: Where Public Meets Private

While international financial institutions work with policymakers to help countries navigate their way through the myria... Read more

27 Jun 2022


Foreign Policy Live with Kristalina Georgieva and Gita Gopinath

Foreign Policy Live with Kristalina Georgieva and Gita Gopinath

The last two years have proven a test for the global financial system, and the nature of the crises is getting more comp... Read more

25 Mar 2022


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Gita Gopinath on Latest Outlook: Recovery Gaps Persist

Gita Gopinath on Latest Outlook: Recovery Gaps Persist

While the World Economic Outlook shows output in advanced economies set to exceed pre-pandemic levels next year, prospec... Read more

12 Oct 2021


S2 E11: Scholar Spotlight: Dr. Gita Gopinath

S2 E11: Scholar Spotlight: Dr. Gita Gopinath Read more

12 Jun 2021


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The Sound of Gita Gopinath

The Sound of Gita Gopinath

IMF Chief Economist Gita Gopinath joins Bruegel Director Guntram Wolff for this Live recorded session. They were able to... Read more

6 May 2021


IMF Chief Economist Gita Gopinath

IMF Chief Economist Gita Gopinath

Spring back! The global economy is set to expand at the fastest pace in decades, fueled by vaccinations and government s... Read more

9 Apr 2021


Gita Gopinath

Gita Gopinath

Carlos talks to Chief Economist of the International Monetary Fund Gita Gopinath about how she accidentally began her ca... Read more

6 Apr 2021


Gita Gopinath : "Nos prévisions sont entourées d’un énorme nuage d’incertitudes"

Gita Gopinath : "Nos prévisions sont entourées d’un énorme nuage d’incertitudes"

L'Express propose à ses abonnés d'écouter l'intégralité du magazine la veille de sa parution en kiosque le jeudi : tout ... Read more

5 Aug 2020


Gita Gopinath, Chief Economist, International Monetary Fund

Gita Gopinath, Chief Economist, International Monetary Fund

Max Hall interviews Gita Gopinath, Chief Economist of the International Monetary Fund about the economic situation arisi... Read more

25 May 2020


Gita Gopinath

Gita Gopinath

The 'Great Lockdown' that is ravaging the global economy is quite unlike the financial crash of 2008 and requires a diff... Read more

21 May 2020


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