Dick M. Carpenter II

7 Podcast Episodes

L'injustice du « maintien de l'ordre à but lucratif » et comment y mettre un terme | Dick M. Carpenter II

L'injustice du « maintien de l'ordre à but lucratif » et comment y mettre un terme | Dick M. Carpenter II

De nombreux pays ont une loi en vigueur vieille de plusieurs siècles qui permet aux agences gouvernementales de prendre ... Read more

28 Apr 2020


A injustiça do "policiamento pelo lucro", e como acabar com ele | Dick M. Carpenter II

A injustiça do "policiamento pelo lucro", e como acabar com ele | Dick M. Carpenter II

Muito países possuem leis seculares e ainda vigentes permitindo que agências do governo tomem seus pertences: sua casa, ... Read more

28 Apr 2020


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La injusticia de "la policía con fines de lucro" y cómo terminar con ella | Dick M. Carpenter II

La injusticia de "la policía con fines de lucro" y cómo terminar con ella | Dick M. Carpenter II

Muchos países poseen una ley de siglos de antigüedad que sigue en vigor, y que permite a las agencias gubernamentales ap... Read more

28 Apr 2020


The injustice of "policing for profit" -- and how to end it | Dick M. Carpenter II

The injustice of "policing for profit" -- and how to end it | Dick M. Carpenter II

Many countries have an active, centuries-old law that allows government agencies to take your things -- your house, your... Read more

28 Apr 2020


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The injustice of "policing for profit" -- and how to end it | Dick M. Carpenter II

The injustice of "policing for profit" -- and how to end it | Dick M. Carpenter II

Many countries have an active, centuries-old law that allows government agencies to take your things -- your house, your... Read more

28 Apr 2020


The injustice of "policing for profit" -- and how to end it | Dick M. Carpenter II

The injustice of "policing for profit" -- and how to end it | Dick M. Carpenter II

Many countries have an active, centuries-old law that allows government agencies to take your things -- your house, your... Read more

28 Apr 2020


"수익성 치안 유지활동"의 불의함과 이를 끝내는 방법 | 딕 엠. 카펜터 2세(Dick M. Carpenter II)

"수익성 치안 유지활동"의 불의함과 이를 끝내는 방법 | 딕 엠. 카펜터 2세(Dick M. Carpenter II)

많은 나라들의 법률은 매우 오래되었습다. 이 점을 이용해 많은 정부의 기관들이 시민들의 사유재산--당신의 집, 차, 사업--을 아무런 기소 없이 갈취하고 있습니다. 범률 연구원 딕 엠. 카펜터 2세가 민사 몰수제도... Read more

28 Apr 2020


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