Christian Palestinianism

2 Podcast Episodes

Episode 35 - Truth Seekers Radio Show - Dr. Paul Wilkinson – What is Christian Palestinianism? Why is it Destructive?

Episode 35 - Truth Seekers Radio Show - Dr. Paul Wilkinson – What is Christian Palestinianism? Why is it Destructive?

Show for 11/03/14; Excerpts from the 2011 Berean Call Conference with Dr. Paul Wilkinson – What is Christian Palestinian... Read more

103 - Israel: Replacement Theology, Christian Palestinianism [c]

103 - Israel: Replacement Theology, Christian Palestinianism [c]

If we believe God is faithful and will fulfill His promises to Jacob's descendants, then are we the new Nazis? Listen to... Read more

6 Jun 2013

1hr 13mins

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