Otto Loewi

3 Podcast Episodes

1936 - Henry Hallett Dale ve Otto Loewi, Nöronlarda kimyasal aktarım

1936 - Henry Hallett Dale ve Otto Loewi, Nöronlarda kimyasal aktarım

1936 yılında sinapslar arası aktarımın kimyasal yolla olduğunu kanıtlayan Henry Hallett Dale ve Otto Loewi'yi ve aynı za... Read more

23 May 2021


The Dreams of Otto Loewi

The Dreams of Otto Loewi I’ve been holding onto this story since before I even started this... Read more

6 Dec 2013

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Otto Loewi Lecture 2013: LIPIDOMICS as part of the Omics Evolution in Health

Otto Loewi Lecture 2013: LIPIDOMICS as part of the Omics Evolution in Health

Anlässlich des 70jährigen Jubiläums der Verleihung des Nobelpreises an Otto Loewi im Jahr 2006 wurde die Otto Loewi Memo... Read more

2 Apr 2013

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